
Jennifer Brusco

Marketing & Content Strategist  / "Idea Girl"

What's Your Ikigai? 

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means "reason for being." The Japanese believe that everyone has an ikigai. What's yours? What gets you up in the morning and genuinely jazzed to start your day? 

Are you a small business owner, turning your passion into a career you actually love? Are you part of a team that you absolutely love and are connected with your company's mission and vision? 

For me, the best days of my life are spent helping companies, big and small, develop authentic relationships with their audience and ultimately grow their businesses. I love the energy that comes from learning  about someone's ikigai and the areas they need support. The relationship that I form with business owners and professionals as I help them either kickstart or support ongoing marketing efforts is my ikigai. It's my reason for being. 

From marketing strategy and content development to digital marketing, website management, and design. I bring a wealth of skills and expertise to the table. These skills have enabled me to help businesses improve email and landing page performance, increase user adoption, improve conversion and retention rates, and more. 

What's your ikigai? How can I help you take your business to the next level?